
Milestones in the 50 years of Computing at the University of Waikato.



The Department of Computer Science was founded.


The first computing courses are offered.

Hamilton Campus Overview
Hamilton Campus Overview
User Guide Lab manual VT100 (1979)
Early computing with IBM1130
Early computing with an IBM 1130
G Block under construction
G Block under construction
G block
G Block
Lab manual from 27.100 Introduction to Computing (1985)
Lab manual from 27.100 Introduction to Computing (1985)
Lab manual from 27.101 Introduction to Programming(1985)
Lab manual from 27.100 Introduction to Computing (1986)
First internet connection commemorated
First internet connection commemorated
First internet connection plaque
First internet connection plaque



The School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences is founded: comprising the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics


The first Computer Science PhD at Waikato was awarded to Venu Krishnamurthy:  “Instruction Systolic Arrays for Exact Parallel Linear Algebraic Computation.”


The first students graduate with a Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (BCMS).


Watch John Houlker describe the first connection.



Official opening of G Block by Geoffrey Palmer,  Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Computer Science, Mathematics and Computer Services were able to occupy the same building. Planning of R Block began, in order to house computer labs.


R Block is opened by Simon Upton, Minister of Research, Science and Technology – with dedicated computer laboratory space.


We began teaching computer science in te reo Māori with 0657.113 Ngā Tautono Rorohiko. Later courses included 0657.124 He Tomokanga ki te Ao Rorohiko and 0657.234 He Puāwai ki te Ao Rorohiko.



First release of the Weka software.


Waikato hosts the 6th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OZCHI ‘96).


First open source release of the Greenstone digital library software.

Opening ceremony for G Block
Opening ceremony for G Block
Geoffrey Palmer during the opening ceremony for G Block
G Block front view
G Block front view in 1990s
R Block construction
R Block construction
Reveal of the R Block plaque
Unveiling of the R Block plaque
Opening ceremony for R Block
Opening ceremony for R Block
R Block plaque
R Block plaque
G Block plaque
G Block plaque
0657.234 He Puāwai ki te Ao Rorohiko (1998) Lab manual
Managing Gigabytes Second edition (1999)
Weka software
Greenstone Digital Library software
Greenstone adze
Usability Laboratory
ACM SIGKDD Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Service Award 2005
eMacs contribution for Design students
Opening of the first Design lab
Inaugural of design staff and students, 2003
Inaugural Design staff and students 2003
Unveiling of the Māori art work for the celebration of 30 years of Computer Science
Unveiling of the Māori art work for the celebration of 30 years of Computer Science
Māori art work for the celebration of 30 years of Computer Science unveiling event
Ngā Kete o te Wānanga, by Reen Katipa, Commissioned Māori artwork to celebrate 30 years of Computer Science
custom hardware for learning Computer Systems
Custom hardware for learning Computer Systems
Murray Pearson improving rural wireless connectivity
Murray Pearson improving rural wireless connectivity
6th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2004)
6th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2004)
CMS graduates April 2006
CMS graduates April 2006



The Māori Niupepa Collection is released using Greenstone: Niupepa is a digital collection of historic newspapers published primarily for a Māori audience between 1842 and 1932. Over 17,000 pages taken from 34 separate periodicals provide a rare and significant corpus of Māori language texts.


Design joined the School of Computing Mathematical Sciences with the Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design (BCGD): a conjoint degree offered by the University of Waikato and The Wanganui School of Design.


Māori artwork was commissioned to celebrate 30 years of Computer Science. The work was created by Reen Katipa, a kuia from Ngāti Raukawa and was titled Ngā Kete o te Wānanga. Displayed on the first floor of G Block it comprises four tukutuku panels and a kōwhaiwhai design.


The first students start the Software Engineering programme in the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons).


First edition of How to Build a Digital Library (Witten and Bainbridge).


Ian Witten received the Namur Award for the development and application of the Greenstone digital library software system. The award was conferred by the International Federation of Information Processing Societies for 

“outstanding contribution with international impact to the awareness of social implications of information technology”. Ian’s Award Lecture was titled Democratizing information: Digital libraries, developing countries, and information for all.


Waikato hosts the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2004) in Rotorua. Keynote talks by user experience experts Don Norman and Susan Drey.


Ian Witten awarded the 2005 Hector Medal by the Royal Society Of New Zealand for “major contributions to many areas of computer science”.



The Weka team, led by Ian Witten and Eibe Frank, wins 2005 ACM SIGKDD Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Service Award: the “highest service award in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery”. The award notice stated that the “Weka team has made an outstanding contribution to the data mining field”.


Second edition of Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Witten and Frank).


The Department of Mathematics organizes the Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics conference (ANZIAM 2005) in Napier.


The Software Engineering programme gains full accreditation from IPENZ  (now Engineering New Zealand).


The University signs an agreement with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic for completing Diploma in Applied Computing students to transfer to a BSc in Computer Science in Tauranga.



Craig Nevill-Manning (PhD, 1996) receives the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University.


Second edition of How to Build a Digital Library (Witten, Bainbridge and Nichols).


Third edition of Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Witten, Frank and Hall).


ZUCC programme?


TGA programmes?


The first students start the new  Masters of Cyber Security.


First students start the new Bachelor of Design.


Landwehr, Hall and Frank  won the Test of Time Award for Logistic Model Trees –  published at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2003).


The first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from a New Zealand university is launched – Ian Witten presents Data Mining with Weka.


Inaugural Cyber Security Challenge event.


First cohort of students completes the new Master of Cyber Security.


The Master of Information Technology (MInfoTech) degree starts: a Master’s programme with a focus on engagement with industry. The degree includes student internships in local companies.


Fourth Edition of Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Witten, Frank, Hall and Pal).


CMS students (Hooker, Watson, Newton and Symon) win the Open Government Prize at GovHack New Zealand 2016: a competition to innovate with Government data.


Waikato hosts the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016).


Te Taka Keegan wins the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for Excellence in Tertiary Teaching (and the Award for sustained excellence in tertiary teaching – Kaupapa Māori category).


The new Bachelor of Design is introduced. The degree currently has four majors: Interface Design, Industrial Design, Communication Design, and Media Design.


Read, Pfahringer, Holmes and Frank won the Test of Time Award for Classifier Chains for Multi-label Classification – published at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2009).


New Tauranga campus opens — students can enrol in the first year of the Software Engineering programme in the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree.

Game Jam Shirt 2010
Game Jam Shirt 2011
Game Jam Shirt 2012
Craig Nevill-Manning
Craig Nevill-Manning
How to Build a Digital Library - Second Edition
How to Build a Digital Library - Second Edition (2010)
Test of Time - Logistic Model Trees - ECML PKDD 2003
Ian Witten creating the Data Mining with Weka MOOC
GovHack Awards 2015
GovHack Awards 2015
Global Game Jam 2016
(L-R)Jeremy Symon, Theo Newton, Nathaniel Watson and Grady Hooker - winners of Open Goverment Prize, GovHack NZ 2016
CMS students win the Open Goverment Prize at GovHack NZ 2016
GovHack NZ 2016
GovHack NZ 2016
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Test of Time - ECMLPKDD Classifier Chains for Multi-label Classification 2019
Taurange CBD campus Opening 2019
Tauranga CBD campus Opening 2019
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Taurange Campus
Tauranga campus
Te Ipu o te Mahara, the Artificial Intelligence Institute



The first students start the new Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc).


The Computer Science programme in the BSc starts at the Tauranga campus.


First graduates in Tauranga from the BSc in Computer Science.

Do you know?

You can view all the Graduation Programmes, old copies of Nexus magazine, the University Art Collection and early photos of campus:

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